Friday 29 November 2013

Location/Equipment/personnel Organisation - Kamara

Script - Kamara

News Report Script:

Breaking news:
(Big Ben sound)
Hello this Paige Anderson Of ITV news
and today's main story that is worrying the national is the mysterious series of events happening around the UK that occurred last night starting with the mass disappearance of hundreds of citizens from their home. We don't know where these people are at this time and Bizarrely the government haven't put in place a emergency SOS service to look for them.There has been many speculation about where these people are and why the governmnet failed to tell the public the similar factor that links each victims to each other. nna has the latest (Tv cuts of).

Voice message Script:
Mum - (in panic the mum says) Sam! Sam, why aren't you answering your phone. I'm really worried; there's been some weird things happening i just wanted to make sure you're okay. (Mum screams and there is strange sounds coming from the phone.) (Voice whispers) "Sam."
End of phone call.

Main characters Script:

Sam - Mum, mum! (As she opens the door)

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Treatment for Psychological Movie Opening - Kamara and Sharmin

Treatment for psychological movie opening

The movie will start off with a woman (vulnerable) going home. The camera follows her feet. While this is happening, the credits will appear underneath. The woman feels like she is being followed and feels a presence behind her. The camera will be from her point of view and there will be no one following her. There might be extras walking and focusing on themselves. The camera will be panning around on the extras. From a long shot there will be a view of the area and no one will be around, just her.

She enters the house. She shrugges off her fears but then notices that something is different. Then the woman walks into the living room because there is a noise coming from that room. She sees that the TV is on and then turns it off. As her back is facing the TV, she checks her phone and sees that there is 13 missed calls from her mum. She gets a voice mail and it is from her mum. The message is from the morning with her mum being panicked and half way through the message it cuts off. She calls back but all she hears is eerie sounds. The TV turns back on to the news and she turns back sunddenly. (The news report will be played here) While the news is on, she slowly falls asleep on the sofa.

She wakes up on the sofa because of the noise coming from outisde the window. She can hear people scream and shout for help but when she gets to the window everything is normal. She walks away from the window, the camera follows her eyes and she notices that this is not her house. Then the camera goes outside and the area and it is empty and dark. There will be flashs of different settings. The camera goes back to the window and there is an extreme close up on her which shows her in shock. She backs up slowly and hears a knock on the door and "Sam". While she runs to the door, she says "Mum, some weird things are happening!". She opens the door and nothing is there. She slams the door and then turns around and sees her mum. It is a extreme close up and from the girl's point of view.

Target Audeince Questionnaire - Kamara

Target Audience QuestionnaireCircle the option that relates to you

1. How old Are You?




38 +

2. Do you watch horror movies?



3. Which horror movies do you prefer?

Old Horror movies

New Horror Movies

4. What is your favourite horror movie and why?


5. What do you expectt to see in a horror movie?


6. What scares you the most in a horror film?


Serial Killer


Monster/fictional creatures

(other Please state)

Ideas For Response to Brief - Kamara and Sharmin

Preliminary Task - All